"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Well thats a lie cause I am not saying how I broke the main joint in my right pinky finer. 1. Its embarrassing 2. I flat out refuse. Anyways, the real adventure is how I had a metal bar put through my finger, my life was split into every fifteen minutes, a soldier told me I was HIS hero, I became a live version Captain Hook, and I never realized how strong I was until I broke a bone.
When it's clear that you broke something- go to the hospital. However, what did I do? Well I had planned to go to Stuttgart with a couple of friends, so did I go to the hospital? Should I and did I are two very different questions. Years in volleyball taught me to tape the fingers together, but with an early start to Stuttgart and not having any tape I decided to wrap it with the only thing I had.... present ribbon. The word your looking for, the lady at the pharmacy was thinking, and I will just give to you is stupid. Not the brightest idea I've ever had in any means. Thinking Stuttgart was going to be my adventure, three days later I went to the hospital and the REAL adventure began!
Memorable quotes I heard during the time of the broken finger:
" Well you just bought yourself an operation. Would you like to take a seat?"
After having an x-ray I heard this and nearly fell on the doctor. My first operation and it was in another country, language, and under anesthesia. Woah is me.
"Are you wiggly" "Excuse me?" "Are you squirmish" "Yes" "Okay we are putting you under"
This was the doctor's way of asking if I should get anesthesia or not. Wouldn't everyone be wiggly if they saw doctors drilling a metal bar through your finger? But on the bright side best 20 minutes of sleep ever.
"What did you talk to that man about?" "We talked about how I now look like bionic woman" "Well you just joked about your freakish pinky to a 4-star general"
" If I were you I would just hide my face for three months"
Said in a joking manner, but the thought did cross my mind every once in a while. Especially during that last week. Especially.
" Well look at it this way you can have a pinky party at the end of this" "Well sure, all right then, I guess that makes it all worth it."
I have the best family ever. I told my mom this quote and when I got the claw off a couple days later a box arrived for me. Inside was candy wrapped in PINK paper, party supplies, and movies. Best. family. ever.
"So are you ready to have that cast off? Hold on let me get my pliers from downstairs"" Wait don't you put me under- I'm wiggly!" "No we are just going to pull the bar out right now."
All in all I have learned that I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit for- both physically and mentally. Humor will help you through anything so ya when it all happened the first few days I took many naps, ate a lot of ice cream, and drank a lot of wine. After that I picked myself up, laughed at my stupidity, put on a smile, and constantly joked for 6 weeks. The thing is life can always get worse. When things get bad you will be surprised and touched by how many people will constantly help you and keep you upbeat through it all. So all in all you have the choice when things go bad to either make yourself miserable or motivated. It's your choice. To quote Monty Python's Spamelot- "Always look on the bright side of life." Always look on the bright side of life- it makes life a lot easier and worth it. I pinky promise you that. This quote is so true about when something bad happens. As said by Forrest Gump-shit happens. But life goes on.
I love this post. You did a wonderful job of taking care of yourself, and we are ever grateful to your friends who took wonderful care of you too! Now, no more injuries, ok?!