"Despite everything I believe that people are really good at heart" Anne Frank
As a cashier for Edelweiss Lodge and Resort, I am very lucky to be able to have so much guest ineraction and ask about their daily adventures. If I'm stuck working believe me I want to hear about how great your day was. After tours they all look exhausted, yet extremely happy except for one bunch every Sunday. This was the tour for Dachau concentration camp. After a few Sundays I understood the tour schedule, saw this group, showed them exactly where the dessert was, and prescribed them a Disney movie and a hug before bed.
America and Europe display sights and show history in extremely different ways. I believe in America things are roped off and explained without pictures or movies thus keeping a physical and emotional distance for visitors. In Europe, you are there. Physically, mentally, emotionally there. As a breif introduction Dachau was one of the first concentration camps opened in 1933. It is unknown how many lives were suffered and lost at Dachau.
As you enter, there is a gate that states "Arbeit Macht Frei," meaning "work makes you free," which is a sarcastic, sick comment because Dachau was known for working people to death. The first thing you will notice is how clean the bunkers, prison, and everything is. This is how the camp was run. Everything had to be spotless. Many were driven mad by the fear of loosing a button on one's uniform, the bed not perfectly made, or a cigarette butt dropped by one's bed. This would lead one to public humiliation, sent to the prison, or even killed.
In this picture is the prison for Dachau. The
difference that you don't see is this prison was used once more after WWII. This time they decided to put in the windows you see today to make it a little more bearable. They also realized many rooms were made soundproof as so the neighbors of Dachau could not hear the screams. No words.
There was a cell (this photo) used in the prison.. except that this was used for punishment as the "standing cell." Really this cell was divided into four individual cells 70cm by 70cm. This would make it so the prisoners would and could only stand. No sitting, no fresh air, barely any food or water, all up to three days. No words.
Next was the crematorium. Dachau set up a gas chamber that was designed to kill 150 people within 20 minutes by exposing them to lethal gases in a enclosed space. This was never actually used for mass murder, but there have been accounts of smaller groups of people killed within that room. Again, America with the roping off and no pictures. I actually stood in that room. It is an unreal moment when you realize that you are standing in the exact room where so much horror happened. Random but there was also a guest bathroom open to visitors right next to this room. I couldn't use it for the life of me. The crematorium was right next to the room. Each stove could hold up to three bodies.
There is a museum that goes through the entire time line of the war, Dachau, and the many many troubles after the war. It is dense. A must do in Dachau, but brace yourself. Again, pictures and videos everywhere. The medical experiments, the living conditions, the mass graves- it's all there. As horrific as this was I would not trade this experience for anything. It is something anyone and everyone must see. What I was very impressed with was that 9th graders in Bavaria have to visit Dachau and German military personnel trying to move up in the job ladder must visit as well. It is not swept under the rug as if to forget the past, but more a gruesome, terrible lesson that must never be repeated.
I have to say that this trip makes your firmly believe in the sayings "it's all good" and "pick your battles, this is not one of them." Just know that if you go on a trip like this and then go back to "normal life" the next day, hear someone complain about something non-important, you will have the strongest urge to smack them. Don't do it. This trip puts life in perspective for you. So many lives were taken and destroyed before they could even truly live. Don't wait, make your dreams a reality not just a constant thought, tell the people who have changed your life for the better whether large or small that your life would not have been the same without them, tell the people important to you that you love them, and always live life to the fullest. Don't wait.
I apologize if this has completely brought you down, but just remember this: Within this terror we must remember the love and care those people showed one another whether family, friends, or complete strangers. Lives were saved because of the kindness and bravery one showed upon another in such a hellish time. There will always be good even when surrounded by evil, so here is Anne Frank's quote once again:
"Despite everything I believe that people are really good at heart" Anne Frank
There will always be good even when surrounded by evil.
So the quote of the blog post. I have loved this quote for so long. Jimi Hendrix is one with words and I think it's perfect for this post. And with that I thank you for letting me share this difficult trip and I prescribe to you: ice cream, a Disney movie, and a hug.