See what I did there? Yep I think I'm pretty clever with that title thank you very much. So when you finally getting a grasp on the world, the trick is to then throw yourself once again into a city that looks unlike any other you have ever seen.... life and more specifically traveling-its all about keeping you on your toes.
Keeping me on my toes- to Istanbul, Turkey we go! The hotel was having a slower month, so I was lucky enough to go to both Morocco and and Istanbul in the same month (I am never entering real life I swear)! We booked the tickets about a month in advance and we decided to take the early flight (aka 8am), I checked my calender once, twice, once more, and sighed. Yes we had done it. We did a terrible, stupid thing. We booked our early flight the day after St. Patrick's Day. Rookie mistake. You may think just because Germans are not Irish it may not be a big deal. Lets not be stupid, Germany is known for their beer and drinking so lets rethink that last thought. With a Guiness filled night, 1 hour of sleep, and a great friend offering us a ride to the airport there we were singing to Kesha, Backstreet Boys, and all those quality artists on our way. Its a slight possibility that we were still intoxicated- soberness soon hit and within minutes we were rolling down the windows, passed out, and dreaming of greasy food goodness. A memorable way to start the trip indeed.
A few hours later we are then taking the metro to Old Town where everything including our hostel are located. In my head the picture of Istanbul that will always keep me surprised was the fact that I had been to France, Italy, Germany, etc-these countries that are surrounded by rich, gold splattered, Catholic churches and then here I was thrown into a city with a completely different religion and style of religious prayer- the mosques. I realize this next comment sounds completely ignorant but it is simply because it is so different than anything I have ever experienced growing up.. they look so space age like. With the giant pillars surrounding a dome in the middle, it was unlike anything I had ever seen, there was so many all over both old and new town... and I loved it.
So with some great advice our hostel was right in the backyard of the Blue Mosque and such a pleasant, safe, clean evironment (The Big Apple Hostel)- highly reccomend it! We dropped out bags off and started to explore! Due to prayer times, we could only look at the outside of the Blue Mosque, but rest assured we would be back. There is also the Haggia Sophia on the other side just as breathtaking.. and once you look at it and admire at how different it is than anything else the obnoxious water fountain goes off. Well I guess theres a little bit of Las Vegas everwhere.
Definitely go to the Turkish baths and get a massage. As a girl who has never gotten a massage this was quite the experience. Wear a bathing suit! Unless you like walking around naked and well then scratch that last suggestion. I was told to lay down on this hot stone (I was a feelin hot hot hot), this lady just (with great skill and finesse) took off my top with one quick pull of the string, and proceeded to pour bubbles on me. Thats right bubbles. I thought it was an easy beginning, bubbles- who doesn't love bubbles? As Paul Rudd from Knocked Up says "I wish I loved something as much as my kids love bubbles." Thats me- I'm the bubble loving kid. BUT then she proceeded to massage me in a way that I can only describe as a rolling pin kneading out raw dough. Rough. I will not use the term weak, but I do believe I'm a fragile or dainty kind of person after that experience. I do recommend it because it is one of the things YOU DO in Turkey, but wowzaa.
We also decided to casually go to Asia for a day. By casually I mean we got on a boat for the Bosphorus tour which was about 2 hours and there we were in Asia. Scratch another continent off the list. There really isn't all that much to do/see. We hiked up to the castle ruins which really consisted of.... not much, we had great seafood, proceeded to yummy gelato, and then got back on the boat. I have never been to Asia, so it was exciting but really a sunset cruise that goes by the Asian side and you can say you've been in the seas of Asia totally works just as well.

I have to say the blue Mosque was absolutely my favorite. Inside was mosaics and just so different than any other religious site I have ever been to. Remember to bring a scarf because the covering of women's head must be done. Just go in and sit. Just sit and look at how different parts of the world are from one another... and then go to another smaller mosque where you can go in to observe prayer time. Now thats different, but mesmerizing nontheless.
And then some things never change no matter where you are in the world- we stumbled upon an elementary school's play production in the main square, there was a short break, and Gangnam style came on, and there was dancing.. lots and lots of dancing. Gangnam style of course. Some things are universal.
Well Istanbul, Turkey is up for an elected city for the 2020 Summer Olympics, they have my vote.
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