This is just a fun blog post. I have been working as a preschool teacher for two summers now and I cannot tell you how many stories I have come back with, so here are a few that have made me laugh, shudder, and laugh some more.
You know you work at a preschool when:
- Growing up into a Pirate Princess is a very practical career path
- You will run/act faster than any Olympic Track and Field gold medal winner when a child says, "I have to poop" in a bouncy house
- A hug is THE way of communication and can really mean anything, which is great.... but first you double check to make sure that they are not using you as a human kleenex (this will always be learned through one mistake).. and they think saying "but Miss Debra, I love you" will still get them a hug
- Being "it" in tag is a matter of life and death..and even if you played freeze tag when you were little there are SO many more rules nowadays... so prepare to lose
- "Curling" your hair really means five girls twisting your hair so tight and tying it at the end so it will "stay" curly... and get immediately distracted by legos while you will be untangling your hair for hours upon hours
- Your lap will be comfier to a three year-old than any person considers a LZ-Boy chair, the Queen's throne, or really anything for that matter
- A girl will be wearing polka dot leggings, a pink tutu, a striped shirt with a rainbow, and confetti like hair bands and she will tell you she doesn't like your fashion sense... four year- old girls do know the word "fashion" so get ready for a four year-old Tim Gunn criticizing your outfit choices
- You have more Goldfish crackers in your room than people in this world....and every time they eat them (once a day) you will always hear about how it is the "snack that smiles back" night you will dream about it I guarantee you
- Your greatest accomplishment is getting a child to fall asleep during nap time... seriously if this has never happened for you, when you have kids or whenever this time occurs you have my complete permission to call me at any time- day or night to gloat about your new "talent." It is worth bragging about
- When setting up the nap time beds, blankets, etc. one of the kids will look at you, head shaking, and whispers, "Miss Debra, it's a trap!"
- Girls know about the world wide male epidemic called "cooties" but don't believe in it.....quite yet
- When boys only want to grow up to be Daddy... and a Power Ranger on the side
- When kids seem to be more logical and smarter than adults.... and then five minutes later they cry over having to share the "My Little Pony" figures
- You feel bad for people who have boring jobs when you get to search for treasure, play games, and be an idolized grown-up... and get paid for it
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Goldfish, Bouncy Houses, and Children
9:23 PM
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