So pretty much on everyone's bucket list for life is the world-famous Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Apparently I joined the Edelweiss team at the perfect time since I will be here for 13 months- I will experience Oktoberfest twice...that my friends is the defnition of awesome. Anyways, I have to admit that I have heard amazing things about this fest, but really did not know what to expect. For those of you who are in the same boat as I was- imagine a carnival for adults with basically no rules attached. By a carnival I mean lots and lots of (expensive) rides and by no rules attached I mean drink as much as you want.
Now as a rookie to Oktoberfest I was unaware that the train ride to Munich was the pregame, preparty to the actual event. Life rule: beer and charades go greatly with one another, espcially when you get the locals to join in. However, embaressing when the locals (whose second language is English) can guess more words than you....embaressing indeed.
Moving on, stepping off that platform everyone is already out of their minds. I highly suggest one day getting a milkshake or donner, sitting on a bench with a friend or someone that you can laugh with, and just people watch. Whether at the train station or at Oktoberfest- you will see and hear things that will make you just laugh for days. So we walk to where Oktoberfest is held and let me just say that even after Walt Disney World (so I have absolutely no excuse) I still feel myself getting claustraphobic. You can tell that I had only gone through the pregame cause my arms were brought close to my body, so I could easily people dodge. However by the end of the night I'm pretty sure I was linked in arms and skipping down the Oktoberfest roads bumping into anyone and everyone. Before and after, before and after.
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But seriously this is one tent... out of many. Tell me you don't feel claustrophobic right now. |
Let me just say Oktoberfest rides are some that will never pass American borders. These rides will make you fear your life.. and not in an exhilerating way, but in a real "I'm about to die if a screw is loose" kind of way. My suggestion is to walk around for a little while, take in the atmosphere, try a "spin and puke" ride (one that I will not suggest later on in the day after your share of mass'), and then go drink! We went on a haunted ride, which was a complete joke- seriously made Disney's Snow White ride look scary UNTIL a real employee grabs you at the end. Seriously feared my life.

Also, your going to lose people. If you go with a large group, look at everyone, mentally split that group into three or four groups and thats probably the amount you will end up with. Drunk adults with a plan never works out very well. Last lesson, day drinking is a whole other adventure, but in this case I highly recomend it. Once about 4 or so hits there will twice the amount of people than there was at 12, so drink early cause you will never find a spot after. And if you do- buy that lottery ticket. Drink early and enough to where if you can't find a spot later your still buzzing. I have to say that my favorite moment was later in the day trying to find a seat (epic fail) and walking into this one tent and everyone standing up singing "We Are the Champions." Well even if one is trying to find a seat, you must stop, pay your respects, and sing along. Favorite moment.

I have to admit that I am such a little kid in that I thought drinking part was great, but after that ALL I wanted to do was ride rides, so if you go make sure you go with someone who does what you want to do. I wanted to drink, but not for the whole day (again its called dainty not weak) and I surrounded myself with people who also wanted to ride rides, so I got my Oktoberfest experience. And for the train or commute ride home get a donner on the way, cause that solves life's problems and tomorrow's hangover. It was great day, I filled my thrill count, emptied my wallet, got my Queen and 80's song fix, and I cant wait for Oktoberfest 2013.
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I have no skills comparable to this man |
And sometimes you just gotta sum it up with a little bit of David Bowie: