(See how I am using photos? Check that off the blog "to-do" list)

July/August: England and Paris- I met one of my best friends on the Disney College Program in Florida who lives in England! Last summer she visited me and ya it was cool with San Francisco and Los Angeles, but this year I am visiting her…. and we are going for the 2012 London Olympics! We are also going to tour London, Paris, Disneyland Paris (of course us Disney fanatics), Harry Potter studios where they filmed all eight movies, and castles and such. Needless to say I’m excited.
Middle of September: One time during Christmas break I was with some of our family friends who just got back from Germany. That dreaded question (that is probably asked every day when you are a senior) of what I was going to do after graduation and I did the whole, “well you know…..” with no real answer. Well they gave me a great program where you work for the military. Notice how I said worked for, NOT in the military (if you knew my physical strength you would already know this), well an application, countless emails, interview, physical, and background check later I will be working for Edelweiss, a hotel and resort located in the alps.. Yep that caught me by attention too so I’ll say it again- THE ALPS! I don’t know what I will be doing until I get there but something in the hotel environment…. in Germany. My favorite question of the interview: “are you okay with traveling because we really encourage it.” Yep SIGN ME UP! I am so unbelievably excited, but definitely in freak out mode. Its gonna be crazy but then I look up pictures I remember that this is the best time (and maybe the only time) in my life to do something like this. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to be sick to my stomach a week before it all goes down. So come middle of September I will be working for the military for 13 months and after that who knows…